New York web site | Facebook | Twitter New York Order by Default Title Date Filename Size Random black lives matter campaign literature campaigning candidate climate change ICE interview labor logo march / rally Medicare meeting meme Palestine petition submissions petitioning press conference pride Puerto Rico tabling Search Cassandra Lems no glasses photo by Deyva Arthur 3 Cassandra Lems. Green Party of Nassau County 103953728 626603931271373 1453486188119514418 o 102921012 626615924603507 6928391002908906635 o Anthony-Gronowicz Anthony Gronowicz angela Angela Walker, 2020 VP candidate 92891514 626604404604659 7446161474232695409 o NYC climate change rally 82818278 1785101628287544 7489190446049001472 o NYC climate change action 70504686 10157499774718540 3883693614420721664 o NYC climate change rally 70514188 10157499774183540 470821148280487936 o NYC climate change rally 57088251 10217445123695949 4820340932735926272 o Assange support rally, Albany, NY 64247712 10162011165610595 7753602213477351424 n Mark Dunlea Assange support rally Assange support rally 61776113 10156551552231859 1687654029699579904 n Joe Lombardo 59362536 10157177958829603 2533600512125698048 n Peter LaVenia at Assange support rally Peter LaVenia at Assange support rally 51492393 10161526585165595 8060218000298475520 n 49947833 10216765617188711 8720526628867801088 o-Jon-Flanders Mark Dunlea speaking at anti-fracking rally, Empire State Plaza Concourse, Albany 44658259 10216146193503506 8646692430197817344 o Howie Hawkins speaking at Albany rally 44143065 10212368375115852 7666620265215819776 n Howie Hawkins 36428933 10156450679073540 1236033532715859968 n Howie Hawkins 35541260 698302937228071 3168098934161670144 o Steve Greenfield 34509125 10156391357443540 2036701988871208960 o Peter LaVenia, Michael O'Neil, Mary Cregan, Howie Hawkins and others 30171696 10156291457758540 6490352219646738504 o Gloria Mattera, Howie Hawkins & Mark Dunlea 13235114 10154185688948540 2360551554680582033 o Dani Leibling, Gloria Matter & Michael O'Neil and others 29496726 1515893015188739 7121268462812010548 n Christine Elms, winning candidate for Village Trustee, South Glens Falls, 2017 16107266 10154914563583540 761114287287342553 o Mary Cregan, Julia Willebrand and others 15069007 1646050245692151 4263191718810465884 o 11029645 367591450100054 7493563564743778377 o Greens and Wobblies, Utica, NY 10682196 10152909298498540 6520028657661246817 o 10518347 10152909297463540 2090205052698570687 o « ‹ of 11 › »